The AMPatch: A Flexible Stoma Cover designed by Austin Medical Products

At Austin Medical Products, we are dedicated to providing quality products and compassionate service to the people who use them.  We understand each person’s experience as an ostomate is unique, and we are committed to delivering products that meet each individual’s specific needs.

Our Products
The AMPatch is a discreet, flexible stoma cover designed for the ostomate with a continent intestinal reservoir, continent urostomy, sigmoid colostomy, or mucous fistula.

Your stoma is unique – and so is your lifestyle.  That’s why we created the AMPatch stoma cover with so many customizable options.  We offer waterproof and breathable styles, with variations in absorbency, flexibility, size and shape.  With over 200 available combinations, you can find an AMPatch to fit the size, shape and output needs of your stoma and your busy life.

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